Beverley crit – marshalling report


Just a few words from Mike McAllister about the Beverley town centre crit on 24th July 2015.

I was marshalling on Wednesday Market for the evening, a free-roaming role to keep an eye on things. I bumped into Neil Dean near the crossing on Lord Roberts Road (Wednesday Market) who advised I should keep an eye on people crossing the road. I’d marshalled the crossing point in 2014 and didn’t encounter any problems all pedestrians safely crossed and we hadn’t witnessed any crashes. I took Neil’s advice and got myself settled near the crossing point (not an official crossing point for 2015 edition of the crit). I had my bike parked against the safety barrier which Neil had noticed, who then advised it was a good idea to move my bike as there had been crashes there before. Neil then went on to patrol further down Lord Roberts Road.

Around 15 seconds after the departure of Neil the Male Cat 3/4 race came up to the corner and to my horror a Sarum Velo rider wobbled as he came around the bend and crashed into the crash barriers right next to me. Several barriers were knocked over the bike and rider now laid on top of the barriers – it looked serious. A middle-aged couple were leaning against the barriers I’m unsure if they fell over to the ground or where simply stumbled backwards and stayed on their feet. The man from the couple started to remove the bike from the barrier it had jammed itself into and I assisted with the removal of the bike. I helped the rider up, inspected him for injury and then arm wrapped around him got him off the road side. A medic was soon at the scene, the rider was fine just a couple of bumps and bruises to his wrist and the lady a small graze on the arm, everyone fine. Well done to the couple for assisting playing their part in what could have been pretty nasty. I’d recommend a couple of soft crash barriers at the corner, for future events!

2015 Beverley Town Centre Ciruit Races

The women’s race went by without any incident from my marshalling perspective, it was great seeing local female Squadra RT star Nikki mixing it up and getting a place. It was also great getting a high-five off the winner on her victory lap!

2015 Beverley Town Centre Ciruit Races

The Elite Men’s race was blisteringly quick, though there were a few close shaves on my corner, but you could tell these guys had a lot more experience. It was great seeing Tom Scully, Graham Briggs, Ed Clancy and local heroes Paul Rymer and Dave Shackleton duking it out.

Another great night, so roll on next year.

Pictures of the event courtesy of Mike McAllister

Mike McAllister – HTRC Member