Club Rides


Winter Training (January – March)

It’s a shame for many that Jim Sampson and Richard Guymer’s Training Rides, which were a staple of many a racer’s early season training, ended a number of years ago.  However Hull Thursday have organised various training rides through the week over the winters of late.  Do drop us a line or check out our social media pages for up to date news if you’d like to get involved.

Click on the ‘Training Videos’ picture below to catch an entertaining look at what you could be missing –

Jim and Richard’s Winter Training – Survival

Contact Richard Guymer, club coach, on (01482) 848222, or email him at –

Winter Saturday Chain Gang

Time trial secretary Dougie ‘big guns’ Jaram has organized training rides on Saturday through previous winters, though you’ll need to fit up your mudguards to get yourself out for some hard pre-season training if these run this winter.

Sunday Club Run

Every Sunday various club members meet at Skidby Mill car park around 9 for a ride,  a sure place to join with others for a sociable group ride.

Distance and pace is dependent on individuals who turn up week on week so come along and introduce yourself,  and ask to find out what people’s intentions are.

Contact Richard Guymer, club coach on (01482) 848222, or email him at –  for further details.

Summer Months (April – September)

Club Runs –  as above, run regularly every Sunday from Skidby meeting around 9 am.

Contact Richard Guymer, club coach, on (01482) 848222, or email him at –

Find out more from club members via our social media accounts:


Winter Rides

If you’re joining us on a ride in the winter months, please be sure to fit a decent rear mudguard. The reasons are many:

  • reflectors or reflective material can be fitted, improving your visibility in the dark winter months
  • mudguards keep your backside and lower back dry, reducing the risk of discomfort, illness and injury
  • mudguards are courteous to your fellow riders, keeping their expensive Oakley shades water, mud and grit-free (their faces, eyes and kit too)

Respect your riding buddies – please fit a rear mudguard for winter rides!

Find out more from club members via our social media accounts:
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