Rich Bielby’s return to time-trialling


When I returned time trialling last year, I knew it would take a few years of hard work and disappointments before returning to a level of fitness where I would be competitive and happy. I was not wrong…

I started last season with a half decent winter behind me, but with no base fitness and overweight, I knew I would have to set my targets low. My early events were solid, but at the end of March 2014, after a couple of cold wet events, I ended up with a bout of bronchitis which seemed to take an age to clear. I was back to square one.

Not only was my form struggling, not having any decent times meant I was also losing out to faster riders and having entries returned. I also struggled to get into YCF events because Hull Thursday were not affiliated. I got totally hacked off and before the end of June I had ended my season.

This all got me thinking about how our sport encourages and retains new talent. Whilst I have been around for years, if I was a junior just starting out I would wonder why I was bothering, and probably look for a different sport. However, I have only been away from racing when starting a career and my kids being young, now they are getting a little older I have a bit more time, so do not plan on disappearing anytime soon. I also invested in a new bike, a Kuota Kalibur and aero wheels.

My 2015 season started slowly, or rather my preparation did. I had a routine operation at the end of September which meant it was mid-October before I could get out and ride again. November and most of December were good, but then came Christmas, which is always difficult due to work. January followed and without really knowing why this also turned into a disaster, my training was just so inconsistent. February was better, but I wasn’t expecting much from early season.

My first event was the Scunthorpe RC 10 on 14 March 2015, with only 20 riders on the start and me the only Hull Thursday representative. I rode this last year and found the course to be very similar to Beverley by-pass. Once again, as last year, the wind was very strong, but it was dry and bright, albeit cold.

The wind was head-to-cross on the way out to the turn, so I thought this would make a fast return. As soon as I started I was in trouble, I had spent much time and effort in trying to set up my new bike, but this had all been done inside on the trainer, instantly I could feel my saddle was way too low and I was struggling to get the power out in a cramped position. Things got worse when I reached the turn. A tanker lorry was waiting to pull out, and seemed to take an age to move.

I was aware the driver could see me, but not wanting to cut me up he set off slow until he knew I was not going to try to dive down the inside, I lost around 30 seconds. The return leg which should have been cross/tail was little better than the way out and I was really suffering. I finished with a time of 25:33, the winner, A. Gascoigne, did a short 21 minute ride.

The following week 21 March 2015, I was again Hull Thursday’s only rider in the Bolsover and District CC 10 at Hatfield Woodhouse. The weather was similar to the week before, cold and cloudy, with once again a wind that was blowing gale force.  I have ridden the course several times, even though it is flat and straight out and back, something which should suit me, I have never ridden well and had a personal best of 25:17. This time however I has raise my saddle and had the extra motivation of chasing City Road club’s Andrew Vaughan for 1 minute. I don’t know if inter-club rivalry still exists, but it did years ago, so was keen to catch, pass and beat another Hull club rider.

The first leg to the turn was helped by the wind, I started off riding at 30mph and stayed around this mark all the way out. I felt much better and could see the City road club rider getting every closer. I reached the turn in 10:30 and now just had to battle my way back. The wind naturally made things tough, but I just concentrated on catching Vaughan, the only problem with this was when I made the catch I had no target in front of me, now it was just fear that I would blow up and he would pass me. I pressed on to the finish recording 24:49, which I was delighted with. The winner D. Barnett again posted a short 21 minute ride.

My next event was Team Swift’s 10 on the V718 (28 Mar 2015). This is a very fast course, but it was a far from perfect day. High winds once more with rain thrown in for good measure. Jim Trevor was also riding and chasing me for 3 minutes. I was a little worried by this, not wanting Jim to catch me gave me motivation.

Again the outward leg should have the most help from the wind, but whilst there was some help it was not as much as I had expected. I was off 119 and it took the rider off 120 until just before the turn to catch me, whilst I knew the way back would be harder I now felt that I would be able to hold off Jim and battled onto the finish. Thankfully I only saw Jim at the HQ when I returned my number. I finished with 23:31, only 25 seconds off my comeback PB, whilst Jim recorded a long 21 minute ride.

Photos of the Team Swift 10 by Craig Zad

The following day I was again joined by Jim for the Lincs RRA 25. I had started to come down with a cold and the weather conditions were foul, heavy rain, cold and wind. I was one of the early starters and didn’t feel good from the start. My heart rate was a good 10 beats down from where it had been in the other events, I was cold wet and rapidly losing motivation to ride in these conditions remembering my illness the year before. My helmet visor had also misted meaning I could hardly see, and at around 12 miles in I made a real mess of a corner because of this. I decided I’d had enough and abandoned. Jim finished, which was a victory in itself, but I am unsure of his time.

Whilst this was a bit of a disappointment, I have seen enough improvement in the other races, given the winter I had, to make me believe I can get back to a decent level. Work sometimes means I cannot ride each weekend, but I have open events pencilled in until mid-September. In April I am down to ride City Road Club’s Good Friday 10, the Skegness Whs 25, Ravensthorpe’s 10 and the Yorkshire Coast Clarion 24.

Rich Bielby