TT Series #13 – Jack McGlone hill climb


Matthew Johnson climbed to the top of the leaderboard with a swift ride of 2:41 on Brantingham’s Spout Hill on Tuesday night, 18th August 2015, gaining himself 50 valuable points in the season-long Time Trial league.

The hill, according to the segment on Strava, begins at All Saints Church, making the climb 2.6km, however the data on the hill chart only includes the final kilometre. The road meanders along at a leisurely gradient between 2 to 6%, before ramping to the summit at roughly 14% for the last 200 metres.

The weather was pretty torrential and the course which greeted the riders resembled a river.

Jasper Fairey rode as a private entry and performed well with a ride of 2:45, only 4 seconds in arrears of grimpeur Johnson.

Official second and third were Hull Thursday Road Club roadmen Mark Walker and Josh Ravn, transferring their bunch racing prowess to individual uphill efforts against the clock.

The pair were 12 and 15 seconds in arrears of an excellent Johnson, Walker (2:53) used his climber’s build to beat Racing Team-mate Ravn by a scant 3 seconds, with Ravn clocking 2:56.

Best of the rest and completing the full list of 10 entries (including the private entry of Fairey) were as follows:

4. Neil Cleminshaw, Hull Thursday RC – 3:02
5. Neil Dean, Hull Thursday RC – 3:23
6. Mark McKeown, Hull Thursday RC – 3:25
7. Richard Dean, Hull Thursday RC – 3:40
8. Charlotte Dalton, Hull Thursday RC – 3:42
9. Amanda Dean, Hull Thursday RC – 4:02

The full result sheet is available to download below:

Result HTRC TT Series Event #13