TT Series #15 – Bubwith ’10’


The final event of the season-long HTRC TT Series was held on Saturday at Bubwith and was blessed with lovely warm sunny weather. More importantly there was very little wind resulting in ideal conditions for fast times.

Compared with the first solo event of the series held on the same course in late March conditions could not have been much different. For those not present let’s just say the wind was VERY STRONG and made for very slow progress on the return leg. On race day, I bettered my March race time by over a minute whilst warming up!

20 riders were entered with one or two riders having entered an open event on V718 prior to the rearranged date being advertised.

Steve Guymer returned fastest time of that day with a 21:52 which was 29 seconds too quick for second-placed Danny Posnett (who was on a road bike as usual). Steve’s time is the fastest recorded on this circuit and beat his own old course record by 11 seconds.

Third place was taken by Neil Cleminshaw a further 22 seconds down with Mark Walker 4th on 23:09 followed by Richard Dean, JP, Neil Dean and myself all spread over 30 seconds in 5th to 8th places.

At the conclusion of the racing we retired to the lovely beer garden at the rear of the Barnes Wallace Pub near Howden station for chip butties, a pint and the prize presentation.

Danny won the standard road bike category and was 1st overall with Steve winning the seniors section and placing 2nd overall. Neil Cleminshaw won the veterans category and was 3rd overall and Amanda won the combined ladies and juvenile section.

Vouchers totalling £1200 were awarded to the series winners in 4 categories (16 prizes in total) – a big thank you to Ian Bolton from Cliff Pratts for their generous sponsorship of the event.

That concludes the TT series for the year. Thanks to Gil and Barry for their timekeeping and to Dawn, Richard Guymer and Liz Kilgour for their timekeeping and other assistance throughout the year.

Saturday’s result and the final overall points table is attached.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and autumn.

Paul Kilvington – Club President/Time Trial Secretary
The full result sheet of Event #15 is available to download below, as well as the final overall series table 2015 after 15 events:

Result HTRC TT Series Event #15

Final overall 2015 points table after 15 events – LINK BROKEN